S02 Ep05: Growing & Maturing From Your Life Relationships

We’re back with another awesome episode with Vince Delmonte!

This time, we dive into relationships and how to use them to become the best version of yourself.

Hopefully this show gives you a new perspective for getting what you want out of life – whether that’s in health, your career, or dating.

It all starts with aligning relationships with your goals, soaking up all the positives and learning from the lessons…

Let us know what you think!

How To Stay Connected:

Follow Greg on Instagram: @gregogallagher
Follow Christopher on Instagram: @_christopherwalker

Christopher Walker

Christopher Walker is an independent testosterone optimization researcher and author of multiple men's health protocols. Christopher was also the first individual to graduate from Duke University's neuroscience program in 3 years, and has an intense interest and experience in neuroscience and human endocrinology.